Where do I go?

I can buy anything in a foreign country. I know vocabulary and useful structures. I ask the right questions.

How to get there?

I will do all the exercises. I will act in many short scenes.

How do I know I am there?

I will dub a film or a conversation. I will write a test.



Kamil's Quiz


What are you going to do on Saturday?

  1. How to use this form?
  2. Can you guess what are they going to do?
  3. What’s the right form?
  4. Choose the form!
  5. Exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
  6. Write!

In a clothes shop










Can I help you, Sir? / Madam?

Here you are

I’m sorry but there are no…/ we haven’t got any.

Would you like oranges instead?

Anything else?

That’ll be $500

I’m looking for…

I’d like to buy…

Here you are

Yes,please / No,thank you

That’s all,thank you









colour size nice
here you are looking for medium


SA: Good afternoon!

C: Good afternoon!

  • Can I help you?
  • Yes, please. I’m                                    a jacket.
  • Jacket? OK. What                               are you looking for?
  • Black. I’m looking for a black jacket.
  • Black? OK. What                                       are you looking for?
  • Medium. I’m looking for a                                                     .
  • Medium. All right. A black jacket in medium.                        .
  • Oh. That’s                                           .
  • Yes.




are you looking for what size they’re nice
some pants large


SA: Good morning!

C: Good morning!

  • Can I help you?
  • Yes, please. I’m looking for some                                   .
  • Pants? OK. What colour                                                  ?
  • Brown. I’m looking for                                    brown pants.
  • Brown? OK. And                                 are you looking for?
  •                                          . I’m looking for large.
  • Large. All right. Some brown pants in large. Here you are.
  • Oooo.                                           . Thanks.



all right yes, please size 36
oh some shoes here you are

SA: Good afternoon!

C: Oh. Good afternoon!

  • Can I help you?
  •                                      . I’m looking for                                          .
  • Some shoes? OK. What colour are you looking for?
  • Blue. I’m looking for some blue shoes.
  • Blue? OK. And what size are you looking for?
  •                               . I’m looking for size 36.
  • Size 36.                                        . Some blue shoes in size 36.            .
  •                                                                    . They are nice.
  • Yes, they are.




  1. Let’s play!
  2. Let’s put a label on it!
  3. Let’s match!
  4. Let’s match the description!
  5. Let’s go shopping!
  6. Let’s buy something for a lady!
  7. Let’s buy something for a gentleman!



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