T: Were they American?


I was  we were
you were you were
he/she/ it was they were


Were you at school yesterday?

Who was with you?

You weren’t at school yesterday.

She wasn’t with me.


  1. Exercise 
  2. Exercise 
  3. Exercise 


T: Did you play football yesterday?

v Mikołaj played football yesterday.

x Marek didn’t play football yesterday.

? Did you play football yesterday? What did you do yesterday?


  1. When did Laika (Łajka) travel in space? She travelled in space in 1957.
  2. What did she travel in? She travelled in Sputnik 2.
  3. When did scientists launch Gagarin into space? They launched Gagarin into space on 12th April 1961.
  4. How long did this flight last? It lasted 108 minutes.
  5. How many times did he orbit the Earth? He orbited the Earth once.
  6. When did Tereshkowa travel into space? She travelled into space in 1963.
  7. How long did she stay in space? She stayed in space for 3 days.

Exercises with regular verbs

  1. Exercise with pictures
  2. Change into Past Simple
  3. Use the verb
  4. Is spelling difficult?
  5. Ten sentences
  6. Another ten sentences
  7. Questions
  8. Big set of questions
  9. All in one

Irregular Verbs

  1. (być) be – was/were – been
  2. (łamać się, tłuc się) break – broke – broken
  3. (przychodzić) come – came – come
  4. (robić) do – did – done
  5. (pić) drink -drank – drunk
  6. (jeść) eat – ate -eaten
  7. (spadać) fall – fell – fallen
  8. (zapominać) forget – forgot – forgotten
  9. (dawać) give – gave – given
  10. (iść, jechać) go – went – gone
  11. (mieć) – have – had – had
  12. (znać, wiedzieć) – know – knew – known
  13. (uczyć się) – learn – learnt – learnt
  14. (robić, wytwarzać) make – made – made
  15. (mówić, powiedzieć) say – said – said
  16. (mówić , rozmawiać) speak – spoke – spoken
  17. (brać) take – took – taken
  18. (powiedzieć, opowiadać) tell -told – told
  19. (myśleć) think – thought – thought
  20. (pisać) write – wrote – written
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