Where do I go?
I know vocabulary about a house. I can describe rooms and houses.
How do I get there?
I’ll do a variety of exercises from my textbook. I will talk about my home.
I’ll design a room. I’ll write a Quiziet set.
How do I know I am there?
I will prepare short presentation. I will succeed in a test.
- Our sets on Quizlet
- Extra exercises
- There are games!
- In the bathroom
- In the bedroom
- In the kitchen
- Furniture
- Prepositions
- Put me in the right place,please
From our book:
Topic: There is a cat in my room!
page 27, ex. 4
Describe 2 rooms.
There is a car in the garage.
There is a lamp over the car.
There is a long ladder in the garage.
Workbook page 9
ściana | toaleta |
pudełko | lustro |
schody | kosmetyki |
szafa | prysznic |
rower | okno |
pająk | sufit |
ubrania | drzwi |
kurz,pył | ściana |
pajęczyna | umywalka |
stół | pralka |
My room
- This is …
- There is a… in the middle.
- On the left there is…
- Next to… there is …
- … in…
- … between … and …
- … under …
- There are / there aren’t…
- … small…
- I think…