Where do I go?

I know vocabulary about a house. I can describe rooms and houses.


How do I get there?

I’ll do a variety of exercises from my textbook. I will talk about my home.

I’ll design a room. I’ll write a Quiziet set.

How do I know I am there?

I will prepare short presentation. I will succeed in a test.


  1. Our sets on Quizlet
  2. Extra exercises
  3. There are games!
  4. In the bathroom
  5. In the bedroom
  6. In the kitchen
  7. Furniture
  8. Prepositions
  9. Put me in the right place,please





From our book:

Topic: There is a cat in my room!

page 27, ex. 4

Describe 2 rooms. 

There is a car in the garage.

There is a lamp over the car.

There is a long ladder in the garage.

Workbook page 9


ściana toaleta
pudełko lustro
schody kosmetyki
szafa prysznic
rower okno
pająk sufit
ubrania drzwi
kurz,pył ściana
pajęczyna umywalka
stół  pralka


My room

  1. This is …
  2. There is a… in the middle.
  3. On the left there is…
  4. Next to… there is …
  5. … in…
  6. … between … and …
  7. … under …
  8. There are / there aren’t…
  9. … small…
  10. I think…







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